Every Catholic Must know these 12 Archangels and What Their Powers they Posses?

The concept of 12 archangels is rooted in various spiritual traditions, although the Bible only explicitly names a few. Some traditions, particularly those in Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, and other esoteric systems, list 12 archangels who serve as powerful beings with specific roles and responsibilities.

Here’s an overview of the 12 archangels and their powers based on these traditions:

1. Archangel Michael

The Protector

The Protector

Michael is the chief of all archangels and the leader of the heavenly armies. He is often depicted as a warrior who defends humanity from evil, particularly Satan. He provides courage, protection, and strength to overcome challenges.

  • Symbolism: Shield, sword, and scales

Prayer to Saint Michael The Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness & snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

2. Archangel Gabriel

The Messenger

Gabriel is the messenger of God, responsible for delivering divine messages and revelations. He is often associated with communication, guidance, and clarity of purpose. Gabriel also plays a vital role in conception and childbirth.

  • Symbolism: Trumpet, lily, scroll

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

O Blessed Archangel Gabriel,
messenger of God’s divine plan,
grant me the grace to hear God’s voice clearly.
Help me to respond with faith,
just as you brought the message of hope to Mary.
Guide me in all my decisions
so that I may follow God’s will with courage and trust.

3. Archangel Raphael

The Healer

Raphael is known as the healer and guardian of health. He helps with physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, guiding travelers, and supporting those seeking truth and love. Raphael is closely associated with protection during journeys.

  • Symbolism: Staff, fish, and medicinal herbs.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael,
healer sent by God,
touch my heart and body with your healing grace.
Guide me in times of illness and protect me on my journey.
Bring comfort to my soul, & lead me towards peace & wholeness.
Through your intercession, may I receive God’s healing love.

4. Archangel Uriel

The Light of God

Uriel is known for illuminating the mind with wisdom and truth. He helps people find insight, problem-solving, and intellectual understanding. He also aids in prophecies and serves as a guide through confusion or darkness.

  • Symbolism: Book, flame, and sun.
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Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel,
bearer of God’s light and wisdom,
shine your divine truth upon my mind and heart.
Guide me through confusion and help me discern God’s will in my life.
Grant me clarity, wisdom, and strength to follow the path of righteousness.
Lead me to the knowledge that brings me closer to God’s love.

5. Archangel Raguel

The Friend of God

Raguel is the archangel of justice, harmony, and fairness. He helps resolve disputes and brings order where there is chaos. Raguel oversees the angels and ensures that harmony prevails among them.

  • Symbolism: Scales of justice.

Prayer to Archangel Raguel

Archangel Raguel,
angel of justice and harmony,
bring peace and balance to my life.
Help me to resolve conflicts with wisdom and love,
and guide me in living justly according to God’s will.
Grant me the grace to restore harmony in my relationships
and to seek fairness in all I do.

6. Archangel Sariel (or Sarathiel)

The Prince of God

Sariel is known for assisting in the discernment of divine justice and providing guidance when facing moral dilemmas. He also oversees the fate of individuals and is connected with moon phases and the knowledge of cycles.

  • Symbolism: Moon, stars, and balance.

Prayer to Archangel Sariel

Archangel Sariel,
guide of God’s wisdom and protector of divine justice,
help me discern right from wrong with a pure heart.
Lead me to follow the path of righteousness
and uphold God’s law in all that I do.
Grant me the courage to make just decisions
and the strength to walk faithfully in God’s light.

7. Archangel Remiel

The Awakener

Remiel, also known as the “Angel of Hope,” is believed to assist souls in their ascension process and provides guidance in moments of despair or when facing life’s transitions. He is sometimes seen as a guide for those moving toward enlightenment.

  • Symbolism: Lantern, light, and pathway.

Prayer to Archangel Remiel

Archangel Remiel,
angel of hope and divine mercy,
lift my spirit in times of despair & guide me toward God’s light.
Strengthen me on my journey of faith,
and help me find peace in God’s loving embrace.
Fill my heart with hope and remind me of God’s endless grace,
even in moments of trial.

8. Archangel Zadkiel

The Angel of Mercy

Zadkiel is known for mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. He helps individuals release guilt and painful memories, encouraging them to find freedom through forgiveness. He’s also associated with transformation and spiritual cleansing.

  • Symbolism: Violet flame, cup of compassion.

Prayer to Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel,
angel of mercy and forgiveness,
help me to open my heart to the grace of God’s compassion.
Guide me in releasing bitterness and embracing forgiveness,
so that I may find peace and healing within.
Teach me to show mercy to others as God shows mercy to me.
Grant me the strength to forgive and to be forgiven.

9. Archangel Jophiel

The Beauty of God

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Jophiel is the angel of beauty, creativity, and joy. He helps bring more positivity, clarity, and inspiration into people’s lives, fostering inner and outer beauty. Jophiel also helps clear negative thoughts and environments.

  • Symbolism: Light, rose, and art.

Prayer to Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel,
angel of beauty and illumination,
fill my heart with joy and inspire my spirit with creativity.
Help me to see the beauty in God’s creation
and to reflect that beauty in my own life.
Guide me in clearing negative thoughts
and embracing a mindset of positivity and love.
May your light illuminate my path and lead me to peace.

10. Archangel Haniel

The Grace of God

Haniel is the archangel of divine grace, intuition, and balance. She helps people connect with their inner wisdom, particularly in matters of emotional healing, and brings balance to relationships. Haniel also assists with moon-related energies and feminine cycles.

  • Symbolism: Crescent moon, dove, and serenity.

Prayer to Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel,
angel of grace and harmony,
guide me to live in alignment with God’s will.
Fill my heart with peace and balance,
help me embrace the beauty of God’s grace in every moment.
Grant me the wisdom to nurture my relationships
and to walk in love, compassion, and understanding.
May your gentle presence bring serenity to my soul.

11. Archangel Chamuel

The Seeker of God

Chamuel is known for helping us find peace, love, and inner serenity. He helps repair damaged relationships and brings healing to hearts in turmoil.

Chamuel helps restore love and peace, guiding us to reconcile broken relationships and find inner calm. He is often invoked for seeking lost things, both spiritually and materially.

Prayer to Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel, help us find peace and love in our hearts, and guide us to reconciliation with one another

12. Archangel Azrael

The Angel of D**th

Azrael is sometimes known as the “Angel of Death,” but his true mission is one of compassion. He assists souls in their journey to the afterlife and comforts those who are grieving.

Azrael guides souls through the transition from earthly life to eternal rest. He offers consolation to those who mourn and helps ease the pain of loss.

Saint Azrael, guide the souls of the departed into God’s loving arms, and comfort those of us who mourn.”

The Archangels and Their Divine Roles

These 12 archangels serve specific roles in guiding, protecting, and helping humanity. From the warrior Michael to the healer Raphael, each brings a unique energy and purpose.

Understanding their individual powers can provide spiritual assistance in times of need, whether it’s for protection, healing, wisdom, or justice.

By invoking these archangels, we can connect with their divine attributes and receive their blessings in our daily lives


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