5 Lost Sayings of Jesus You Won’t Find in the Bible

The words of Jesus Christ hold infinite wisdom, love, and truth. While the Gospels contain His teachings, there are sayings attributed to Jesus that didn’t make it into the final canon of Scripture. Some of these sayings come from early Christian texts, apocryphal writings, and historical records—offering intriguing insights into the words and wisdom of Christ.

Here are five lost sayings of Jesus that you won’t find in the Bible, but still echo His divine truth.

1. “Lift the stone, and you will find me there.”

Source: Gospel of Thomas (Saying 77)

This saying suggests that Christ is present everywhere—within creation, in the ordinary, and even in the unseen. It reflects what we already know from Scripture: God is not confined to a building or place; He is present in all things.

Reflection: Are we aware of Christ’s presence in our daily lives? Do we seek Him in the ordinary?


Jesus, open my eyes to see Your presence in all things, that I may recognize You in the moments I least expect.

2. “Be passersby.”

Source: Gospel of Thomas (Saying 42)

This short yet profound statement reminds us that this world is not our true home. We are pilgrims on a journey toward eternity, called to detach from worldly distractions and focus on the Kingdom of God.

Reflection: Are we too attached to the temporary things of this world? Are we living with heaven in mind?


Lord, help me live as a pilgrim in this world, always longing for my eternal home with You.

3. “He who is near me is near the fire.”

Source: Gospel of Thomas (Saying 82)

Fire in biblical symbolism represents purification, the Holy Spirit, and divine presence. This saying aligns with Jesus’ teachings that following Him is not always comfortable—it requires purification, transformation, and sometimes suffering. To be near Christ is to be refined by His truth and love.

Reflection: Am I willing to be purified by Christ? Do I embrace His refining fire, even when it is difficult?


Jesus, purify my heart. Let Your holy fire refine me so I may become more like You.

4. “Split a piece of wood, and I am there.”

Source: Gospel of Thomas (Saying 77, paired with the stone reference)

This phrase echoes Christ’s omnipresence. He is not only in the sacred and the spectacular but also in the simple and the mundane. This reminds us that God is with us in our work, struggles, and daily lives.

🔹 Reflection: Do I recognize Jesus in the everyday moments of my life?


Lord, let me see You in all things—my work, my relationships, my struggles, and my joys.

5. “The Kingdom of God is within you.”

Source: Gospel of Luke 17:21 (also found in apocryphal writings with variations)

Though this saying has a biblical foundation, it also appears in several early Christian writings. It reminds us that the Kingdom of God is not just a future reality but something we can experience now—when we live in love, righteousness, and union with Christ.

🔹 Reflection: Am I living in a way that reflects God’s Kingdom here and now?


Jesus, reign in my heart and make me a vessel of Your Kingdom on earth.

Final Thoughts

While these sayings aren’t found in the traditional Bible, their meaning aligns with Jesus’ message of love, holiness, and divine presence. As we meditate on His words—both in Scripture and beyond—let’s strive to live in a way that honors Him, seeks Him, and reflects His truth.

What do you think of these lost sayings? Which one speaks to you the most?

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