The Hidden Hierarchy of Angels, Their Roles & Characteristics According to St Thomas Aquinas

You might be familiar with the archangels, but did you know that an entire hierarchy of angels exists in the spiritual realm?

In his monumental work, Summa Theologiae, Saint Thomas Aquinas dedicated significant attention to the nature and hierarchy of angels. Drawing upon both Scripture and theological tradition, Aquinas explored the roles and ranks of these heavenly beings, laying out a detailed celestial order.

According to Aquinas, angels are arranged in a hierarchy of three main spheres or “choirs,” each with three distinct ranks. These choirs are categorized by their proximity to God and specific duties guiding creation and humanity.

This post will break down each category of angels according to Aquinas’ hierarchy, based on his theological exposition in Summa Theologiae (Part I, Questions 50-64).

1. The First Sphere: Closest to God

These angels are the most powerful and reside nearest to God, continually worshipping and glorifying Him.

1.1 Seraphim

  • Role: The highest order of angels, filled with burning love for God.
  • Task: Worship and adore God endlessly.
  • Reference: They appear in Isaiah 6:1-3, singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty.”

1.2 Cherubim

  • Role: Guardians of divine knowledge and wisdom.
  • Task: Protect sacred spaces and reveal divine mysteries.
  • Reference: They guarded the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24).
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1.3 Thrones

  • Role: Bearers of God’s justice and authority.
  • Task: Reflect divine judgment and pass it down to lower choirs.
  • Reference: Mentioned in Colossians 1:16 among other celestial beings.

2. The Second Sphere: Heavenly Governors

These angels manage the cosmos and guide the workings of the universe.

2.1 Dominions

  • Role: Rulers over other angels.
  • Task: Ensure divine order is carried out by the lower choirs.
  • Reference: They govern the laws of nature and divine will.

2.2 Virtues

  • Role: Overseers of the physical universe.
  • Task: Carry out divine miracles and uphold natural order.
  • Notable: They regulate cosmic forces like the seasons and the stars.

2.3 Powers

  • Role: Defenders of cosmic and spiritual order.
  • Task: Protect the universe from demonic forces.
  • Reference: Mentioned in Ephesians 6:12 as warriors against evil powers.

3. The Third Sphere: Earthly Messengers

These angels interact directly with humanity, guiding and protecting us.

3.1 Principalities

  • Role: Guardians of nations and leaders.
  • Task: Guide rulers and inspire good governance.
  • Reference: Associated with the protection of countries and cities.

3.2 Archangels

  • Role: Chief messengers and protectors.
  • Task: Deliver important messages and defend against evil.
  • Reference: Archangels like Michael and Gabriel are central figures in the Bible.

3.3 Angels

  • Role: Personal protectors and messengers.
  • Task: Serve as guardian angels, guiding individuals on Earth.
  • Reference: Guardian angels are mentioned in Matthew 18:10, looking after each soul.

The Celestial Symphony of God’s Will

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ angelic hierarchy provides a fascinating glimpse into how God’s creation is governed not only by physical laws but by the invisible aid of these celestial beings.

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From the fiery Seraphim who adore God in heaven to the Guardian Angels who walk beside us, each choir of angels plays a unique and essential role in God’s divine plan.

This heavenly hierarchy reminds us that, though unseen, we are constantly surrounded by the watchful care of God’s messengers, who tirelessly work for the salvation of souls and the maintenance


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